- Participating the 9th Cross-strait conference on fish physiology in Sanya, China. The last overseas conference after pandemic. 參加在三亞市舉辦的海峽兩岸魚類生理學研討會。疫情爆發最後的國際研討會。
- Opening banquet at Giant Bio Tech. As the founder of this university startup, I cooked fresh shrimps, which grew up healthily by our "Herbmedotcin" technology, for all guests. 炬銨生技開幕感恩茶會。我以創辦人的身分親自煮蝦招待好朋友們。這些蝦子是使用我們研發的「草本炭方」,無抗養殖健康長大的!
- SW Wang got her master degree. 王昕雯同學順利取得碩士學位

- Chinese New Year under the threat of Covid-19. Face mask became an indispensable accessories. 在疫情威脅之下的農曆新年。口罩變成不可或缺的配備。
- Pandemic was under controlled in Taiwan, but international conferences were cancelled. 疫情在台灣受到控制,但國際會議紛紛取消
- Kept visiting local aquaculture farm to promote our antibiotic alternative solution in animal. 持續拜訪國內養殖場,推廣我們的抗生素替代添加劑

- Training Taiwanese contestants for 2020 International Biology Olympiad. 協助生物奧林匹亞國手選拔與培育。
- First flight to NTOU Matzu campus. 疫情之後首次搭飛機前往海大馬祖校上課。
- Eric Tsai got his Ph.D degree. CT Lin, CH Liu and YT Liu finished their master program. A graduate ceremony with social distancing. 蔡守冠取得博士學位。李俊廷、劉鍾孝、劉于禎完成碩士學業。疫情下的畢業典禮。

- Finished scuba diving training. 開始學潛水。
- Re-discover Taiwan with round island road trip. 環島旅行重新發現台灣

- Summer workshop in National Ilan University. 協助宜蘭大學暑期實驗課程
- Giant Bio Tech internship hosted students from NTOU. 海洋大學生科系首批學生到炬銨生技實習
- Yoneyama scholarship alumni visited NTOU to see the "Photo history of Dr. I-Chiu Liao" 米山學友會參觀廖一久院士影像展
- Visiting Orchid island and stayed less than 24 hours. 24 小時蘭嶼旋風式訪問。

- Future Tech Award 科技部未來科技獎
- Excellence in Technology Transfer Award 傑出技轉貢獻獎

- Graduation from HSNU for 30-year. Classmates reunion! 高中畢業 30 週年,老同學重聚。
- Celebrated 85 Birthday of Dr. I-Chiu Liao 慶賀廖一久院士 85 大壽。
- Second term as the chairman of "Friends of Dr. I-Chiu Liao association". 續任廖一久院士之友會理事長

- As a judge of "3 min thesis talk" in NIU. 擔任全國生科三分鐘短講比賽評審
- Hot sale of Giant Bio Tech's shrimp feed. 炬銨生技蝦兵樂飼料大量出貨
- Renaissance of Tiger Prawn Industry in Taiwan Began. 台灣草蝦復興運動開始
- Former Vice President Chien-Jen Chen visited NTOU to see "Photo history exhibition of Dr. I-Chiu Liao" 陳建仁副總統蒞臨海大參觀廖一久院士影像展